Götz https://gotzironfist.com The homepage of Götz Ironfist Wed, 26 Oct 2022 10:11:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://gotzironfist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-MechAtomics_robo_fist_inside_a_gear_logo_ced1542d-4fe5-4323-bda3-3ce0de8afd2e-32x32.png Götz https://gotzironfist.com 32 32 Batman TAS Tech Essay: On Leather Wings, Trangenic Human Enhancement https://gotzironfist.com/batman-tas-tech-essay-on-leather-wings-trangenic-human-enhancement/ https://gotzironfist.com/batman-tas-tech-essay-on-leather-wings-trangenic-human-enhancement/#respond Wed, 26 Oct 2022 10:11:12 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=455 Batman TAS Tech Essay: On Leather Wings, Trangenic Human Enhancement Read More »

On Leather Wings was supposed to be the first episode broadcast and is possibly the first episode filmed and feels much like a pilot. Introducing several characters who are regulars on the show and sewing the seeds of future story lines, it also has superior animation to many later episodes.

The synopsis is a biologist who studies bats creates a serum that transforms him into a human/bat hybrid called The Man-Bat that resembles a Gargoyle from the show Gargoyles.

They always start out looking so sane.

This is the first time Batman encounters genetic engineering technology in this show, but it won’t be the last, especially in regards to transgenic implantation (implanting the traits of one species into another). Here, it’s demonstrated that pretty specific genes can be implanted by the technology, enough to give someone (permanently, going by the dialogue) enhanced physical capabilities.

From man…
To Man-Bat.

The Man-Bat is strong, fast, durable, and tireless enough to not only achieve true winged flight for a being that looks to weigh up to 200 pounds, but also CARRIES BATMAN ALOFT BEHIND HIM (Batman weighs at least 230 pounds) at high speeds, dragging the Caped Crusader through the sky for high-flying hijinks.

High flying hijinks.

I really can’t imagine a rich fanatic like Batman passing up the chance to become gene enhanced (using his patron animal no less) to be super human, or at least throwing a ton of money into that research, especially given he completely reversed it by himself using his own knowledge of pharmaceuticals and biochemistry in a night and the reversal was total and very rapid. I could easily see him getting a dumbed down version to enhance himself, possibly going all out in true Gargoyle form in times of dire need (like needing to fly), almost like some kind of Bat-Hulk.


Years later, in Batman Beyond, Terry McGinnis (The Batman of Neo-Gotham) would be engineered or “spliced” in such a way against his will, until Bruce was able to cure him.

Man-Bat Beyond
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Batman TAS Tech Essay: The Cat and The Claw Parts 1 and 2, Catwoman’s Claws https://gotzironfist.com/batman-tas-tech-essay-the-cat-and-the-claw-parts-1-and-2-catwomans-claws/ https://gotzironfist.com/batman-tas-tech-essay-the-cat-and-the-claw-parts-1-and-2-catwomans-claws/#respond Wed, 26 Oct 2022 01:46:07 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=446 Batman TAS Tech Essay: The Cat and The Claw Parts 1 and 2, Catwoman’s Claws Read More »

This is arguably the first episode of the Batman animated series. Depending on the watch order things got all messed up, I think the actual first episode in production was On Leather Wings, but I digress.

In this episode we are introduced to Catwoman and occasional villain Red Claw. Catwoman demonstrates a unique piece of technology that you wouldn’t think was too amazing, except it can do some cool feats. Her retractable claws.

As you can see here, they allow her to climb brick buildings, which suits her career but would also greatly aid Batman in what he does.

Spider-Cat, Spider-Cat…

She then goes on to use the same claws to cut glass, which would also help Batman during his stealth missions:

Pretty advanced glass cutters.

After this she also attacks Batman and shows that her claws are sharp enough to damage is semi-armored cape, also useful for a hand to hand fighter like the Bat:

Their utility is further demonstrated by freeing her and Batman from ropes:

And finally, she demonstrates one of the most important features, they’re retractability, after all, you don’t want to be slicing up things you just mean to grab:


He eventually does adapt this technology for the futuristic Batsuit in Batman Beyond:

Eventually gets it right…

But he should have done it much sooner given the advantages to mobility, stealth, escapology, and combat it would have afforded him. And her claws and gloves are sufficiently advanced in the present time that they wouldn’t have inhibited his performance at all, given Catwoman’s demonstrations of skill, agility, and dexterity.

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Batman The Animated Series Technology Essays and Fan-Fiction? https://gotzironfist.com/batman-the-animated-series-technology-essays-and-fan-fiction/ https://gotzironfist.com/batman-the-animated-series-technology-essays-and-fan-fiction/#respond Wed, 26 Oct 2022 00:31:51 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=440 Batman The Animated Series Technology Essays and Fan-Fiction? Read More »

Batman TAS was a groundbreaking and amazing show. The web is full of its fans espousing all of its brilliance and you don’t need me to convince you to watch it, especially since you probably already watch(ed) it.

What I want to do with this series of articles is to do an episode by episode examination of the technology that Batman encounters, either from villains or other people, and see how he’d realistically incorporate those technologies into his suit or regular arsenal instead of never seeing/using them again. And I get why he doesn’t; “so the show can happen” and “still be true to his character and stories”. But that’s boring and doesn’t have overarching plot development. So I guess call this a suppositional fan-fiction maybe? I don’t know.

Anyway, I’m going to start writing the first article immediately after posting this.

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Götz Sings The Bible https://gotzironfist.com/gotz-sings-the-bible/ Sat, 05 Mar 2022 03:22:27 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=423 I’ve decided to sing out loud the original King James version of the bible and put it to music. I’ll be releasing the tracks on Spotify for your religious pleasure.

Viral Videos Experiment https://gotzironfist.com/viral-videos-experiment/ https://gotzironfist.com/viral-videos-experiment/#respond Sat, 05 Mar 2022 02:06:56 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=419 Viral Videos Experiment Read More »

I created a YouTube channel called Viral Videos Experiment to be able to check off some bucket list stuff, but also to try and deconstruct what made a video go viral.

My plan is thus: Go through the top 1,000 YouTube channels, find the ones that make the most sense to my capabilities, then go through all their videos that go over 1,000,000 views and try to make my own versions of them in homage to the originals. With full credit of course.

I also want to put some of my original work on there.

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X-Men Homage/Parody https://gotzironfist.com/x-men-homage-parody/ Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:26:58 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=410 X-Men Homage/Parody Read More »

Called the “eXperiments“, alternate history of real life Earth. Possible revenge story.


Wolf Messing: Based on the real life mentalist and psychic of the same name, in our story experimented on by the Russians using psychotronic and radionic devices to vastly amplify his powers. Because of frequent brain surgeries, they’ve elected to use electrolysis (Invented by Dr Charles Michel in 1875 to treat ingrown eyelashes) to permanently remove all the hair on his head. These surgeries have also damaged his spinal cord leaving him a paraplegic.

Ape: A successful result of breeding an ape-human hybrid in the Soviet labs, he possesses all the power of a gorilla and feral instincts of a gorilla, but the mind of a brilliant human.

Medoyed: The prototype for many different “super soldier” experiments the Soviets undertook. Gold thread implanted in the brain to remove his sense of pain, the bones in his arms and legs replaced with titanium, surgical titanium reinforcement of the rest of his skeleton, secondary and tertiary organ transplants to enhance survivability, implanted extra endocrine glands for extra hormones (estrogen to survive catastrophic blood loss, testosterone to enhance healing and long term strength, adrenaline for strength). For fun a sick doctor cut his arms off below the elbow to replace them with pretty advanced prosthetics equipped with retractable bayonets.

Reichsadler: Air ace subjected to grafting of metallic anchors for wingsuit, jumpjet/rocket pack, and copter pack.

Works In Progress https://gotzironfist.com/wip/ Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:11:13 +0000 https://gotzironfist.com/?p=407 This is where I post all of the stuff I’m working on in various stages. Kind of a scrap book for ideas that might grow into something or never will.
